Zara Wood a.k.a Woody

PechaKucha Love Creativity

International PechaKucha Day - 20.02.2020

As part of international PechaKucha Day, Woody and the Brighton team will be hosting 'Love Creativity' at the Nightingale Room on Thursday 20th February.   For line-up details click here This event is now SOLD OUT Doors open for ticket holders only at 6.30pm    ... SEE MORE arrow-right

Good Grub PechaKucha Poster OCT Woody Web

Project Spotlight: PechaKucha Posters

As well as co-curating and producing the events, Woody and the studio also design the posters for PechaKucha Brighton. Here's a few of our favs...and to see more click here ... SEE MORE arrow-right

Octo card

Woody's Design Studio Opens as a Shop - Saturday 12th May

Something for everyone: new drawings for the art collectors, paper tape for the hobbiest, art posters for childrens' bedrooms, plus Summer t-shirts and accessories. Woody opens the doors to the design studio on Saturday 12th from 11-5. Workshop 3, Balcony Level, Brighton Open Market, BN1 4JL ... SEE MORE arrow-right

Art Saturday with Woody

Art Saturday with Woody starts April 2018

Art Saturday springs in to life this April half term in Brighton. Calling all young artists to join illustrator Woody for art workshop fun.  Woody sets the scene and shares her drawing, collage, creating characters and making art stories know-how.   Bring your imagination and leave with your own art project. Brighton Dome Saturday 7th April 2018 - materials included:10.30am - 11.30 for 5-7 year olds 1.30pm- 3.00pm for 8-10 year olds This time round Woody will be showing... SEE MORE arrow-right


Box of Letterpress Cards

Perfect for Christmas Cards - box set of letterpress cards... SEE MORE arrow-right

Woody Open Studio

Brighton Studio Shop Time: Saturday 25th + Sunday 26th November

We're opening the doors to our Brighton studio and welcoming shoppers looking for art, stationery and accessories for themselves or as Christmas pressies.  There we've mentioned it. Christmas...   Workshop 3First Floor Balcony LevelOpen MarketBrightonBN1 6SJ11am - 3.45pm  We are only a hip skip and jump from Brighton train station. Check out Brighton's Open Market website this handy map and travel guide... SEE MORE arrow-right

Artboard 1

House Plant Doodle Make

Plant life drawing and abstract image-making with Woody.   Get inspired by real life plants, whilst making your own paper house plant. Learn about artists like Mattisse and how to experiment with colour. A space full of pens, paper and plants awaits budding young artists aged from 7 to 10 years old at the Founders Room in the Brighton Dome. Materials provided. Inspirational plants by Gunns Florist. This event has now passed.  Thank you to all the young artists and... SEE MORE arrow-right


House Plant Doodle Make with Woody

Workshops with Woody start again this Autumn and Winter in the UK.  House Plant Doodle Make launches at Brighton Dome. Woody welcomes you to the Founders room - full of pens, paper and plants! The perfect space for budding young artists aged 7-10 to create their very own house plant with collage and drawing. Lots of time to learn about and experiment with abstract image-making and colour. Materials provided. Inspirational plants by Gunns Florist. Friday 27th October 2017: 10.30am... SEE MORE arrow-right

I PechaKucha

PechaKucha Peeps 28th June 2017

PechaKucha Brighton is back with another host of presenters this Summer.  On Wednesday 28th June our theme is 'Peeps' - stories to see from Brighton people, including:  Catherine Borowski the cathartic power of art and explains why she turned a skip in to a new London gallery. Architect Nick Lomax shares the impact of good building design on our wellbeing. Curtis James reveals the working of lives of those often unseen through his photographic project Beyond Work. Tilly... SEE MORE arrow-right

IMG 1041

Photos of Story Draw Workshop

Story Draw came to Brighton this April. An imaginative collage and illustration workshop designed for 5 - 10 years on creating characters and adding to a story... During April's half term, some of illustrator Woody’s characters will go on holiday – leaving gaps in the storyline. Are you a budding young artist? Come along and draw with Woody to create a new tale. Combining collage with drawing, children will make their own characters that they can also take home. Photos... SEE MORE arrow-right


The Studio

creative facilitation + branding + marketing 

Get in touch about a new project: 

Woody's Studio collaborates on a diverse mix of creative projects, from super graphics that adorn hospital walls to creative faciliation for research projects.  The studio also curates and delivers events for the education and arts sectors.

Woody, also known as Zara Wood creates, coordinates and educates.

A co-founder of The Enquiry Desk project and Brighton's PechaKucha producer for several years, they are an award-winning senior lecturer + part of the International Association of Illustration Academics forum.  



One-off artworks to buy online

Watch this space - update coming soon

 Original artwork by Woody, including the lastest Little Treasures
- original miniatures framed in vintage jewellery.



Sociable Woody

Follow @thisiswoody on Twitter


@zarawoodakawoody on Instagram 


Interviewing & hosting - Podcasts + Talks:

Rave About Illustration Podcast
Time for some illumination on illustration. Illustration is everywhere and yet you may not be familiar with what an illustrator does. Rave About Illustration sheds light on the creative world of visual translation.